The School District of
Palm Beach County
Florida, School District, and DOE Seals

Using Student Performance Data

for Personnel Evaluation and Instructional Improvement


Release of Florida Value-Added Model scores to the Media

As a result of a successful lawsuit, the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) released teacher Value-Added Model (VAM) data on Monday, February 24, 2014. The School District of Palm Beach County (District) has not released any VAM data to the public or the media as a result of this lawsuit.

The FDOE data that was released consisted of 57 different files containing numerous technical calculations across multiple years. On Tuesday, February 25, a portion of this data was reported by the Palm Beach Post (Post).

The following resources are being provided to assist teachers and others understand more about this data:


Using VAM Data for Teacher Evaluations Using VAM Data for Instructional Improvement